
Uncovering Procurement Excellence

A definitive to solve your procurement issues





Deepak Kumar Daga

Revised TDS Rate Chart for FY 2020-21 (w.e.f May 14, 2020)

Covid has left the entire world in a panic situation. Government is announcing bunch of measures to pump liquidity in the market.

Through Press release on Revised TDS rates post Covid on May 13th, 2020, CDBT announced Revised TDS rates and TCS for certain sections. Please do note that all sections rates are not reduced.

For the benefit of our readers, we have summarized complete revised TDS Rates applicable for FY 2020-21 (AY 2021-22) effective May 14th, 2020. (COVID TDS Rates).

New TDS Rates For Assessment year 2021-22:

TDS Details Reduced TDS Rates (in %) (AY 2021-22) effective May 14th, 2020 Earlier TDS Rates (in %) (AY 2021-22)
1 where the person is resident in India-    
Section 192: Payment of salary No Changes Normal Slab Rate/New Reduced Slab Rate
Section 192A: Payment of accumulated balance of provident fund which is taxable in the hands of an employee.(Monetary Limit ? Rs 50,000) No Changes 10
Section 193: Interest on securities    
a) any debentures or securities for money issued by or on behalf of any local authority or a corporation established by a Central, State or Provincial Act; 7.5 10
b) any debentures issued by a company where such debentures are listed on a recognized stock exchange in accordance with the Securities Contracts (Regulation) Act, 1956 (42 of 1956) and any rules made thereunder; 7.5 10
c) any security of the Central or State Government; [i.e. 8% Savings (Taxable) Bonds, 2003 and 7.75% Saving (Taxable) Bonds, 2018] (Monetary Limit ? Rs 10,000) 7.5 10
d) interest on any other security 7.5 10
Section 194: Dividend to Domestic Companies 7.5 10 (Monetary Limit ? Rs 5,000) (w.e.f. 01/04/2020)
Section 194A: Interest other than interest on securities ? Others (Monetary Limit ? Rs 5,000) 7.5 10
Section 194A: Banks / Co-operative society engaged in business of banking / Post Office (Monetary Limit ? Rs 40,000) 7.5 10
Section 194A: Senior citizen Interest To Senior Citizen from Deposits with banks. Deposits with post offices. Fixed deposit schemes. Recurring deposit schemes. (Monetary Limit ? Rs 50,000) 7.5 10
Section 194B: Income by way of winnings from lotteries, crossword puzzles, card games and other games of any sort (Monetary Limit ? Rs 10,000) No Changes 30
Section 194BB: Income by way of winnings from horse races (Monetary Limit ? Rs 10,000) No Changes 30
Section 194C: Payment to contractor/sub-contractor (Monetary Limit ? Rs 30,000 per contract or Rs 1,00,000 for aggregate amount during the year)    
a) HUF/Individuals 0.75 1
b) Others 1.5 2
Section 194D: Insurance commission (Monetary Limit ? Rs 15,000) 3.75 5
Section 194DA: Payment in respect of life insurance policy, the tax shall be deducted on the amount of income comprised in insurance pay-out (Monetary Limit ? Rs 1,00,000) 3.75 5
Section 194EE: Payment in respect of deposit under National Savings scheme (Monetary Limit ? Rs 2,500) 7.5 10
Section 194F: Payment on account of repurchase of unit by Mutual Fund or Unit Trust of India 15 20
Section 194G: Commission, etc., on sale of lottery tickets (Monetary Limit ? Rs 15,000) 3.75 5
Section 194H: Commission or brokerage (Monetary Limit ? Rs 15,000) 3.75 5
Section 194-I: Rent (Monetary Limit ? Rs 2,40,000)    
a) Plant & Machinery 1.5 2
b) Land or building or furniture or fitting 7.5 10
Section 194-IA: Payment on transfer of certain immovable property other than agricultural land (Monetary Limit ? Consideration exceeding Rs 50,00,000) 0.75 1
Section 194-IB: Payment of rent by individual or HUF not liable to tax audit (Monetary Limit ? Rent for the month or part of the month exceeds Rs 50,000) 3.75 5
Section 194-IC: Payment of monetary consideration under Joint Development Agreements 7.5 10
Section 194J: TDS on Technical Services:Payment for fees for Technical services, Professional services or royalty etc. (Monetary Limit ?Rs 30,000 p.a) -    
a) Cases, wherein, the payee is engaged in the business of the operation of Call Centre only 1.5 2
b) In case of fees for technical services (not being a professional royalty where such royalty is in the nature of consideration for sale, distribution or exhibition of cinematographic film): New Amendment effective from 1st April 2020) 7.5 2
c) Professional royalty where such royaltyis in the nature of consideration for sale, distribution or exhibition of cinematographic film 7.5 10
d) In case of fees for any other professional services 7.5 10
e) In case the payee fails to furnish PAN No Changes 20
Section 194K: Payment of any income in respect of a) Units of a Mutual Fund as per Section 10(23D) b) Units from the administrator c) Units from specified company New Amendment effective from 1st April 2020) 7.5 10
Section 194LA: Payment of compensation on acquisition of certain immovable property (Monetary Limit ?Rs 2,50,000 p.a.) 7.5 10
Section 194LBA(1): Business trust shall deduct tax while distributing, any interest received or receivable by it from a SPV or any income received from renting or leasing or letting out any real estate asset owned directly by it, to its unit holders. 7.5 10
Section 194LBB: Investment fund paying an income to a unit holder [other than income which is exempt under Section 10(23FBB)] 7.5 10
Section 194LBC: Income in respect of investment made in a securitisation trust (specified in Explanationof section115TCA) 18.5% in case of Individual or HUF 22.5% in case of other resident person 25% in case of Individual or HUF 30% in case of other resident person
Section 194M: Payment of commission (not being insurance commission), brokerage, contractual fee, professional fee to a resident person by an Individual or a HUF who are not liable to deduct TDS under section 194C, 194H, or 194J. Tax shall be deducted under section 194M when aggregate of sum credited or paid during a financial year exceeds Rs. 50 lakh. 3.75 5
Section 194N: a) Filed the returns of income for all of the three assessment years relevant to the three previous years and cash withdrawals exceeding 1 cr No Changes 2
b) Not Filed the returns of income for all of the three assessment years relevant to the three previous years: (This provision is applicable w.e.f. 01st July, 2020) Cash withdrawals from 20 Lakhs to 1 Cr No Changes 2
Cash withdrawals exceeding 1 Cr No Changes 2% till 30th June, 2020 and 5% from 01st July, 2020
Section 194O: Applicable for E-Commerce operator for sale of goods or provision of service facilitated by it through its digital or electronic facility or platform. In case the E-commerce participant does not furnish PAN or Aadhar Number to the e-commerce operator, TDS shall be deducted at the rate of5% under section 206AA of the Act (This Section is inserted by Finance Act, 2020 which is applicable from 01/10/2020) 0.75 1

Further a flat 25% reduction in TCS rates has also been done.

Refer our separate discussion on TDS on Non-residents or write an email to our expert at Info@tya.co.in for free analysis of your TDS on non-resident queries.

In case you wish to automate your TDS compliances, you can subscribe to automated E-Procurement Software. As a support to MSMEs in this difficult time, TYASuite is offering 6 months free subscription to their E-Procurement Software. Avail the Free Subscription today.

May 15, 2020| 7 min read| views 4811 Read More



Ravi Kant

Re-Assessment Of Risk Post Covid- Must For CFOs And Auditors

May 08, 2020 | 9 min read | views 8392 Read More


MSMEs Success Post Covid: Government Plans and Initiatives

May 01, 2020 | 7 min read | views 3205 Read More


Top Tips For MSMEs to survive and thrive after Covid-19

Apr 27, 2020 | 8 min read | views 1356 Read More

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Ravi Kant

ICAI Guidelines on Covid 19 Fallout For CFOs and Auditors

The whole world is coming out with their advisories for dealing with the implications of the Covid-19 Fallout. The sole accounting body in India has not left its footprint for the same.

Although SEBI has given more time to file earnings reports, corporates are still trying to meet their internal deadline amidst this fight against the Coronavirus. This puts a very high pressure on CFOs and Auditors to close the numbers and sign off while working from home.

The ICAI has released its guidelines for CFOs and Auditors on how to handle certain specific accounting issues due to Covid-19.

We have summarized possible accounting implications under Ind AS reporting related to Covid -19.

1. Inventory:

Reconsider Inventory Valuations to the “Net Realizable Value” considering the following:

  1. Reduced movement in inventory
  2. Decline in selling price
  3. Inventory obsolescence due to lower expected sales
  4. Amount of fixed overhead allocated to each unit of production shall not be increased as a consequence of low production or idle plant.

2. Leases

  1. Changes in the terms of lease arrangements or lessor may give some concession to the lessee with respect to lease payments, rent free holidays etc. All this may lead to the application of “Accounting relating to the Modification of leases”
  2. Anticipated revisions should not be considered
  3. Discount rate used to determine the present value of new lease liabilities may need to incorporate any risk associated with COVID-19
  4. Compensation given by Government to the lessor for providing benefits to lessee can be accounted either as lease modification as per Ind AS 116 or government grants as per Ind AS 20.

3. Revenue

  1. Due to COVID-19, there could be likely increase in sales returns, decrease in volume discounts, higher price discounts etc. Under Ind AS 115, these factors need to be considered in estimating the amount of revenue to recognized, i.e., measurement of variable consideration
  2. Ind AS 115 also requires disclosure of information that allows users to understand the nature, amount, timing and uncertainty of cash flows arising from revenue. Therefore, entities may have to consider disclosure about the impact of COVID-19 on entities revenue

4. Going Concern Assessment

  1. Management of the entity should assess the impact of COVID-19 and the measures taken on its ability to continue as a going concern
  2. The impact of COVID-19 after the reporting date should also be considered and if, management either intends to liquidate the entity or to cease trading, or has no realistic alternative but to do so, the financial statements should not be prepared on going concern basis
  3. Necessary disclosures as per Ind AS 1 shall also be made, such as material uncertainties that might cast significant doubt upon an entity's ability to continue as a going concern

5. Property Plant and Equipment

  1. PPE can remain under-utilized or not utilized for a period of time. It may be noted that the standards require depreciation charge even if the PPE remains idle
  2. The management may review the residual value and the useful life of an asset due to COVID-19 and, if expectations differ from previous estimates, it is appropriate to account for the change(s) as an accounting estimate

6. Impairment of non-financial assets

Preparer to consider the following factors for impairment testing

  1. Contraction in economic activity due to COVID-19
  2. Changes required in the recoverable amounts before the outbreak of COVID-19
  3. Adjustment required in the discount rate to measure the recoverable amount
  4. Update required in management’s forecasts/ budgets for future cash flows
  5. Whether assumptions are reasonable for estimating the value-in-use and fair value less costs of disposal and ensure that the impairment loss

7. Borrowing cost

The capitalization of interest is suspended when development of an asset is suspended. The management may consider this aspect while evaluating the impact of COVID-19

8. Provisions, Contingent Liabilities and Contingent Assets

  1. Some contracts may become Onerous due to increase in cost of material/labour, etc. Management should consider whether any of its contracts have become onerous and account the same.
  2. Ind AS 37 also requires assets dedicated to a contract to be tested for impairment before a liability for an onerous contract is recognized.
  3. Management should disclose that it has assessed whether executory contracts are onerous due to the adverse impact of COVID -19
  4. If the management is unable to assess whether some of the executory contracts have become onerous due to inadequacy of information, the same should be disclosed
  5. A provision for Restructuring costs is recognized only when the general recognition criteria for provisions are met and when there is a detailed formal plan for the restructuring and there is evidence that the entity has started to implement a restructuring plan (for example, by dismantling plant or selling assets or by the public announcement of the main features of the plan)
  6. Entities may have insurance policies that cover loss of profits due to business disruptions due to events like COVID-19. Entities claims on insurance companies can be recognized in accordance with Ind AS 37 only if the recovery is virtually certain (i.e. the insurance entities have accepted the claims and the insurance entity will meet its obligations)
  7. Ind AS 37 does not permit provisions for future operating costs or future business recovery costs. However, disclosure of nature and timing of outflow is allowed

9. Income Tax

  1. Entities with deferred tax assets should reassess forecasted profits and the recoverability of deferred tax assets, considering the additional uncertainty arising from the COVID-19 and the steps being taken by the management to control it
  2. Management might also consider whether COVID-19 affects its plans to distribute profits from subsidiaries and whether it needs to reconsider the recognition of deferred tax liability in connection with undistributed profits
  3. Management should disclose any significant judgments and estimates made in assessing the recoverability of deferred tax assets, in accordance with Ind AS 1.

10. Fair Value Assessment

In determining the Fair value measurement or disclosure requirements, adequate management consideration and professional judgment is required in determining whether the quoted prices are based on transactions in an orderly market. The following factors should be considered:

  1. Significant volatility or indications of the significant decline in market prices of financial instruments like equity, bonds and derivatives.
  2. Significant decrease in volume or level of activity.
  3. Preparers should be guided by the application guidance in Ind AS 113 that indicates circumstances in which the transaction is not considered an orderly transaction (i.e. not a forced liquidation or distressed sale)
  4. Preparers using valuation techniques may have to consider the impact of COVID-19 on various assumptions including discount rates, credit-spread/counter-party credit risk etc.

11. Derivative Accounting

Critical factors to be considered for Hedge accounting:

  1. If entities have adopted cash-flow hedge accounting for certain forecasted transactions, they should assess whether the transaction still qualifies as a highly probable forecast transaction considering their business environment.
  2. Assess any hedge ineffectiveness and record the impact of that in profit and loss
  3. Estimate the fair value of derivatives, including paying special attention to underlying assumption of derivatives, e.g., forward curve of interest rate, foreign currency, commodity etc.

In case you need to ascertain implications on your business, please reach out to our experts for a Free Consultation. You can email your queries to Mr. Ravi at ravi.k@tya.co.in

In case you wish to automate your Accounting and Inventory valuation, you can subscribe to TYASuite’s Advanced Cloud ERP.

In support of MSMEs in this difficult time, TYASuite is offering 6 months free subscription to their E-Procurement Software.

Apr 24, 2020 | 7 min read | views 3464 Read More

Deepak Kumar Daga

New TDS Rate Chart for the Financial year 2020-21

TDS compliances are the most common yet most important compliance for the business world. Every year during the finance budget government announces the TDS rates which shall be applicable for the coming Financial Year. Due to the changing economic scenario and other factors, the government introduces a few new sections or amends certain existing sections.

The Finance Act 2020 has introduced below new TDS sections/key amendments in TDS Sections which the business enterprise must be aware of:

TDS Details Section Name TDS Rates (in %) (AY 2021-22) Expert Remarks
TDS on Mutual Fund Income 194K 10%  
TDS on E-Commerce Transactions 194O 1% (5% in case of no PAN given to E-commerce operator) Applicable to All E-Commerce Companies
TDS on Technical Services 194J 2% This will open up the litigation as clear guidelines are not given to identify and differentiate the technical services from professional services on which 10% TDS is applicable.
TDS on Salaries 192 New Reduced Slab rate for Salaries People introduced Companies can take a declaration from employees as to which method they want to follow, and employee can change their election while filling their return.

For the benefit of our readers, we have summarized complete TDS Rates applicable for FY 2020-21 (AY 2021-22).

TDS Rate For Assessment year 2020-21 and Assessment year 2021-22:

Particulars TDS Rates (in %)(AY 2020-21) TDS Rates (in %)(AY 2021-22)
1 where the person is resident in India-    
Section 192: Payment of salary Normal Slab Rate Normal Slab Rate/New Reduced Slab Rate
Section 192A: Payment of accumulated balance of provident fund which is taxable in the hands of an employee.(Monetary Limit – Rs 50,000) 10 10
Section 193: Interest on securities    
a) any debentures or securities for money issued by or on behalf of any local authority or a corporation established by a Central, State or Provincial Act; 10 10
b) any debentures issued by a company where such debentures are listed on a recognized stock exchange in accordance with the Securities Contracts (Regulation) Act, 1956 (42 of 1956) and any rules made thereunder; 10 10
c) any security of the Central or State Government; [i.e. 8% Savings (Taxable) Bonds, 2003 and 7.75% Saving (Taxable) Bonds, 2018] (Monetary Limit – Rs 10,000) 10 10
d) interest on any other security 10 10
Section 194: Dividend to Domestic Companies 10 (Monetary Limit – Rs 2,500) 10 (Monetary Limit – Rs 5,000) (w.e.f. 01/04/2020)
Section 194A: – Interest other than interest on securities – Others (Monetary Limit – Rs 5,000) 10 10
Section 194A: Banks / Co-operative society engaged in business of banking / Post Office (Monetary Limit – Rs 40,000) 10 10
Section 194A: Senior citizen Interest To Senior Citizen from Deposits with banks. Deposits with post offices. Fixed deposit schemes. Recurring deposit schemes. (Monetary Limit – Rs 50,000) 10 10
Section 194B: Income by way of winnings from lotteries, crossword puzzles, card games and other games of any sort (Monetary Limit – Rs 10,000) 30 30
Section 194BB: Income by way of winnings from horse races (Monetary Limit – Rs 10,000) 30 30
Section 194C: Payment to contractor/sub-contractor (Monetary Limit – Rs 30,000 per contract or Rs 1,00,000 for aggregate amount during the year)    
a) HUF/Individuals 1 1
b) Others 2 2
Section 194D: Insurance commission (Monetary Limit – Rs 15,000) 5 5
Section 194DA: Payment in respect of life insurance policy w.e.f. 1/9/2019, the tax shall be deducted on the amount of income comprised in insurance pay-out (Monetary Limit – Rs 1,00,000) 5 5
Section 194EE: Payment in respect of deposit under National Savings scheme (Monetary Limit – Rs 2,500) 10 10
Section 194F: Payment on account of repurchase of unit by Mutual Fund or Unit Trust of India 20 20
Section 194G: Commission, etc., on sale of lottery tickets (Monetary Limit – Rs 15,000) 5 5
Section 194H: Commission or brokerage (Monetary Limit – Rs 15,000) 5 5
Section 194-I: Rent (Monetary Limit – Rs 2,40,000)    
a) Plant & Machinery 2 2
b) Land or building or furniture or fitting 10 10
Section 194-IA: Payment on transfer of certain immovable property other than agricultural land (Monetary Limit – Consideration exceeding Rs 50,00,000) 1 1
Section 194-IB: Payment of rent by individual or HUF not liable to tax audit (Monetary Limit – Rent for the month or part of the month exceeds Rs 50,000) 5 5
Section 194-IC: Payment of monetary consideration under Joint Development Agreements 10 10
Section 194J: Payment for fees for Technical services, Professional services or royalty etc. (Monetary Limit –Rs 30,000 p.a)    
a) Cases, wherein, the payee is engaged in the business of the operation of Call Centre only 2 2
b) In case of fees for technical services (not being a professional royalty where such royalty is in the nature of consideration for sale, distribution or exhibition of cinematographic film): New Amendment effective from 1st April 2020) 10 2
c) Professional royalty where such royalty is in the nature of consideration for sale, distribution or exhibition of cinematographic film 10 10
d) In case of fees for any other professional services 10 10
e) In case the payee fails to furnish PAN 20 20
Section 194K: Payment of any income in respect of a) Units of a Mutual Fund as per Section 10(23D) b) Units from the administrator c) Units from specified company New Amendment effective from 1st April 2020) N.A. 10
Section 194LA: Payment of compensation on acquisition of certain immovable property (Monetary Limit –Rs 2,50,000 p.a.) 10 10
Section 194LBA(1): Business trust shall deduct tax while distributing, any interest received or receivable by it from a SPV or any income received from renting or leasing or letting out any real estate asset owned directly by it, to its unit holders. 10 10
Section 194LBB: Investment fund paying an income to a unit holder [other than income which is exempt under Section 10(23FBB)] 10 10
Section 194LBC: Income in respect of investment made in a securitisation trust (specified in Explanation of section115TCA) 25% in case of Individual or HUF 30% in case of other resident person 25% in case of Individual or HUF 30% in case of other resident person
Section 194M: Payment of commission (not being insurance commission), brokerage, contractual fee, professional fee to a resident person by an Individual or a HUF who are not liable to deduct TDS under section 194C, 194H, or 194J. Tax shall be deducted under section 194M when aggregate of sum credited or paid during a financial year exceeds Rs. 50 lakh. 5 5
Section 194N: a) Filed the returns of income for all of the three assessment years relevant to the three previous years and cash withdrawals exceeding 1 cr 2 2
b) Not Filed the returns of income for all of the three assessment years relevant to the three previous years: (This provision is applicable w.e.f. 01 July, 2020) Cash withdrawals from 20 Lakhs to 1 Cr NA 2
Cash withdrawals exceeding 1 Cr NA 2% till 30 June, 2020 and 5% from 01 July, 2020
Section 194O: Applicable for E-Commerce operator for sale of goods or provision of service facilitated by it through its digital or electronic facility or platform. In case the E-commerce participant does not furnish PAN or Aadhar Number to the e-commerce operator, TDS shall be deducted at the rate of 5% under section 206AA of the Act (This Section is inserted by Finance Act, 2020 which is applicable from 01/10/2020) N.A. 1

Refer our separate discussion on TDS on Non-residents or write an email to our expert at Info@tya.co.in for a free analysis of your TDS on non-resident queries.

In case you wish to automate your TDS compliances, you can subscribe to automated procurement software.

As support to MSMEs in this difficult time, TYASuite is offering a 6-month free subscription to their E-Procurement Software.


Apr 15, 2020 | 8 min read | views 35646 Read More


A Simple Guide to eProcurement Software 2020

EProcurement software solving many burning issues and best in class procurement functions are fast evolving with business demands. More efficiently to improve your entire end to end buying and payment cycle with Cloud-based ERP Solutions. With the ?The power of eProcurement software? streamline your business needs with the help of innovative technologies that can promote Excellence and Sustainability by shifting focus to value creation and strategic development. 

Start-ups and SME?s at Glance: eProcurement 

EProcurement software also adds significant value for Starts-up?s and small businesses to cut down the operational cost involved and improve the efficiency of the purchase process. Many studies indicate that an organization can enjoy returns in just three years that measure up to 300% of the initial investment. Everything is Digital with Procurement software, identifying vendors or supplies for placing the order and goods arrival is extremely easy. 

The 3 ?S? Factors: Simplicity, Saving Money and Short time business growth

Switching of eProcurement communicate would not simply cut the operation cost of your business. 

The process lets you communicate your businesses through sophisticated technology for simplification of the better purchasing process and your business organized with optimized plans to the suppliers, rapidly and smoothly.

Despite various advantages of eProcurement software, at its best of efficient control of inventories, reducing the overheads and significant improvement of the purchasing cycle and helps to your business growth in a short time.

Easy Integrate with any Accounting Software?s

Organizations are in a state of confusion because they are numerous offerings of both ERP and accounting software, many of the features look-alike kind of overlap. So, if you streamline entire business by well connecting every department (also include fianc?s and accounting), should start looking out for better cloud ERP that can easily integrate with accounting software. 

But if you are simply looking for to manage the accounting needs, should go any cloud-based accounting software by the well manageable recurring process. As a start-up or a small business, well, to plan to look out for an affordable ERP solution available in the market.

For any organisation, Accounting Software becomes compulsory. Best in Class ERP software?s easy to integrate with any accounting software?s that handles the revenue framework by avoiding human errors and makes flow for transparent financial audit and makes processes easier for business in tax compliance (GST and TDS).

ERP Software handles accounting and financial transactions by reducing the repeating and useless processes and automates the employee?s life-cycle of an organization process plan.

Demand and Benefits of eProcurement Solutions across industries

Consumer demand is increasing, and the possibility of instant real-time inventory, pricing, and populating data has rapidly become a burden for patrons who?ve conventionally relied on manual processes to cultivate and close business deals.

Rewards are priceless for any industry deal with purchasing transactions such as health, insurance, e-Commerce, industrial, manufacturing and many other industries. But implementation may initially be intimidating. Switching to right eProcurement software will revolutionize and optimize workflows can offer extensive benefits, as well as lower costs, fewer errors, and better-quality productivity and supply chain management.

Top Benefits you may not miss:

  1. Increased Productivity with better efficiency such as ordering, invoicing, approvals and payments by reducing the time through automation. 
  2. Reduced Costs by removing paperwork and the costs associated with paper processes.
  3. Shortened Business Cycles with real-time as a part of the automation process and increase capacity of completion of transactions with ease.
  4. Standardization of business Workflows, approvals for purchase orders, request of quotes and proposals. 
  5. Transparency and Control of Tracking improves better visibility, providing end-to-end transparency of all transactions in the procurement cycle

Top reasons should buy eProcurement software

A User-Friendly Interface: Take little time to fill forms, generate invoices and sending them to involved parties should easy manageable with a click.

Real-Time Conversation: With Seamless integrations in real-time, prevents useless spending and efficiently manage within the budget.

Speed and Flexibility: With the innovation of new technologies and cloud computing helps the implementation time from months to days and every organisation is unique in its setup process.

Automated Approval Workflow: Without the need for human intervention, the workflow parameters are set by procurement depart or at management level, the approval should be automated at user and company level control

Mobile Access: In any natural disasters or pandemics like COVID-19 the organisation must be prepared of remote work, with the flexibility of eProcurement software manage approvals through mobile anytime anywhere. It?s all about saving costs.

Automating procurement helps to transform your business growth at Scale

The impact of cost savings comes by significantly procuring the things at the right time and right price from the vendor. Hence, Procurement automation is the answer to simplifying your day to day tasks and today technology will add great value. 

  1. Expedites approval process by fully automating purchase order and enable the quick placing of orders at times.
  2. Provides visibility into your past spend refers to fetching an accurate report of past purchases, order history, supplier quotes, contracts and many others by automation remains in producing the right quality data for better visibility on spending.
  3. Through automation, Promotes see-through communication with suppliers and it is easier for both consumers and suppliers to have real-time communication and tracking of order status.
  4. All contract Maintained in a central repository and accessible through a single click. 
  5. With One-click accessible to all functions, the required information is easily accessible without navigating through multiple systems and it increases Overall Productivity. 

Bottom Line

As it is in the name ?Pro? ? ?Cure?, the software that cures all troubles like a pro to effectively manage all procurement functions such requirement generation, Requirement Generation, Requirement consolidation, Vendor Evaluation, Purchase Order Generation, Receiving Goods or services, Recording of Invoicing and payments.

According to Statista the size of Procurement software applications market will bring in an estimated 5.59 billion U.S. dollars in total revenue in 2020. However, All procurement software providers not able to solve every problem. But it is important to choose the parameters required for business while choosing the procurement software.

Hence look out for eProcurement software that fit your business as all in one solution that helps to automate the procurement process and minimize the bigger problems with your buyer and supplier for a smooth transition.

We have also written a blog on frequently asked questions (FAQ) about Cloud Procurement Software, which you will find it useful.

Apr 10, 2020 | 6 min read | views 1126 Read More

Vikas Mandawewala

Equalization Levy: Essential For All Companies In India

The Finance Act 2020 has quietly introduced a New Equalization levy which comes into effect from 01st April 2020. Interestingly, this amendment never featured in the Finance Bill 2020. Ever since Equalization levy was introduced in 2016, it was always a burden on the Indian Companies. Indian Companies were supposed to deduct 6% from the payments made to non-resident companies providing online advertisement Services. The Act further provided that if any company fails to deduct the above amount, it shall pay from their pocket. It added 6% to the overall advertisement cost of the Indian companies as most of the start-up companies use online advertisement from non-resident vendors like Google, Facebook, LinkedIn etc. and they were not able to deduct 6% from the payments made to these non-resident service providers. 

What was the need for New Equalization Levy?

Of late, many foreign companies started providing services, software's and even products to Indian companies from outside India. Indian Revenue was not able to collect any taxes from them. Through the introduction of ?Equalization levy for E-Commerce Operator,? Indian Government is trying to tap the opportunity for taxing these non-resident companies who were selling goods/services to Indian companies. Through New Equalization Levy under section 165A in the Finance Act 2020, the government has brought in all Non-resident e-commerce operators under the net of Equalization levy.

Who shall be worried?

All Companies who are non-resident and owns, operates or manages digital or electronic facility or platform for the online sale of goods or online provision of services or both must need to comply with the new Equalization Levy effective 01st April 2020. The government has considered the pain point of Indian Companies and has put the onus of compliances in the hands of these non-resident companies for the New Equalization levy. There is no change in the erstwhile equalization levy on online advertisement services where the service recipient needs to deduct or pay the same. 

What kind of product or services gets covered?

All kind of supply and services which meets the below criteria will get covered under the scope:

  1. online sale of goods owned by the non-resident companies as defined above or
  2. online provision of services provided by the non-resident companies as defined above; or
  3. online sale of goods or provision of services or both, facilitated by the non-resident companies as defined above, or
  4. any combination of activities listed in clause (i), (ii) or clause (iii)

The trigger point for New Equalization Levy

The E-commerce operator (Non-resident companies as explained above) must discharge the New Equalization Levy on e-commerce supply or services made or provided or facilitated by it to any of the below person/situations:

  1. to a person resident in India, or
  2. to any non-resident provided the advertisements which target the Indian Customers or customers accessing the advertisement using Indian IP address or sale of data, collected from a person who is resident in India or from a person who uses IP address located in India
  3. to any person who buys such goods or services or both using IP address located in India

The supplies which attract the Equalization levy under the existing rule is exempted from the new provision and Indian receiving companies will continue to discharge equalization levy @ 6% on those services.

Action must be taken by impacted companies?

  1. Impacted companies must need to obtain the PAN number in India unless some exemption is notified later
  2. Update their internal process to track the customers based on the above parameters
  3. Discharge equalization levy @ 2% on all sales made to above customers
  4. Deposit the equalization levy tax quarterly within the due date of 7th July, 7th October, 7th January and 31st March for the quarter ending 30th June, 30th September, 31st December and 31st March respectively

Indirect relief to Indian Companies/Start-up companies

TDS deduction on payments to Non-resident companies is always a debatable issue. Most of the companies take advantage of Section 9 and obtain no PE certificate form these non-residents and do not deduct TDS u/s 195. However, the income tax department has always been against such tax positions by the companies and they tend to disallow these expenses on the preset that TDS must have been deducted. However, after the introduction of New Equalization levy, it will be an established rule that TDS shall not be applicable on these Non-resident payments. Similar view change has happened within the Income Tax Department for online advertisement services from non-resident after the introduction of Equalization levy on the same in 2016.

What else should businesses know about Equalization Levy?

Author can be reached at vm@tya.co.in if you have any specific queries on this topic.

Apr 03, 2020 | 4 min read | views 1464 Read More


Frequently asked questions (FAQ) about Cloud Procurement Software

Procurement Software provides your procurement function with technological innovation that is both convenient and affordable. Companies and organizations are getting more interested to streamline their business through automation and looking for an implementation of better cloud ERP platforms. The field of procurement has commonly faced difficulties of getting up to time with technology and organizational issues. The frequently asked questions in gaining knowledge of acquiring right cloud Procurement Software. 

What is Procurement? Why it's So Important in Business

In general the process of agreeing to terms, acquiring goods via competitive bid or tendering process. It includes identifying requirements, authorizing and approving purchase request, supplier identification, make inquiries and require quotations by negotiating terms, vendor selection, creating PO, creating good receipt, purchase order generation, shipping, invoicing and finally making payments.

For better understanding, the process is very vital to get visibility and control over the complete company procurement process. Because an organization may spend up well more than revenue on goods and services. While lack of strategy may sink organizations financially. If organizations can?t control the process, can?t see the visibility on money spending and how to reduce the cost. 

What is Procurement Software or e-procurement Software?

E-procurement or procurement software is also identified as a platform or service for B2B, B2C, and B2G by ERP providers focusing on vendors. In simple words the process of obtaining goods and services through the internet. 

Traditional procurement involves physical paper-based tracking on daily operations. 

An E-Procurement platform that helps streamline the business process by eliminating the manual paperwork, saving time and resources and better control over spending.

What is the major difference between manual Bookkeeping accounting vs. E-Procurement?

The manual Bookkeeping accounting process will be done by filling out requisitions to payments collections manually, the time frame to deliver roughly 5 to 7 working days.

The E-Procurement solutions come with the streamlined process and reducing the transaction time. Automation helps in real-time communication to buyers the availability of quantities and makes an instant decision for an activity. Wide range of solutions can be used with ease to manage the finance, taxes, shipping regulations and global operations. 

E-Procurement software can give the first steps towards productiveness and allow greater scalability to grow for sellers and buyers act a single unified system. Hence business grows exponentially as per today market. 

What are the benefits of moving from traditional accounting to cloud procurement software?

The latest trend in accounting is Cloud Technology; however, the transition isn?t easy to move from traditional accounting (On-premise) software to Procurement Cloud. But organizations should take big opportunity to step up to move and it involves a change in culture and attitude. Traditional accounting software comes with infrastructure costs as well as maintenance costs. On the other hand, license fees or upfront costs needed at large.

The SaaS software model (Cloud) offers the flexibility and collaboration synonymous with the cloud. To access financial data from anywhere at any time and make an invoice, payment approvals or important approvals can be done by simply login to your account from desktop, smartphone or a laptop.

Cloud technologies are expected to make accounting applications easily accessible, less expensive and time-saving. Organizations can leverage the cloud to enable a new segment of business insight to understand the change need their business? performance.

Moreover, cloud technology gives the benefit of the administrative process and human dependency which gives them the edge over the new level of a highly satisfactory level of service.

According to the Microsoft survey, some of the main benefits of deploying cloud computing in the organization were discovered to be improved productivity and cost-efficiency.

Difference between Traditional vs. Cloud, Which you should choose?

Traditional Procurement Software comes with initial infrastructure costs as well as maintenance costs of on-site software and hardware. 

Today?s world, Cloud has become an essential business technology services. There is no similarity with on-premise software. Cloud Procurement software is hosted and maintained on secured servers accessed via the internet from a web browser anytime anywhere.

Traditional software, users are limited by a big upfront fee. Another hand, Cloud software is free of upfront costs, big cloud companies offer pay as you use model.

Cloud Procurement software seamlessly integrated with accounting core features such as project budgeting, complete automation of manual functions, Important Real-Time updates, financial forecasting, Reports and financial insights, Management of Cash flow, Accounts payment & receivable and business intelligence.

Cloud solutions come with flexibility. Financial teams can use cloud procurement to retrieve real-time data to ensure efficient organizational tool for your company

Cloud solutions are typically cost-effective models and boast security advantages as every solution provides its security solutions such as authentication and encryption.

What to look out in Best Cloud ERP Software?

As we all know by now ?The cloud is the future?

Choosing a one right cloud ERP software provider for your business there are some key elements to assess:

  1. Software Reliability: Make sure, your data is backing up time to time and able to access from any location and any device.
  2. Simplicity: Ableto analyze the effect of the accounting numbers, to make business financial decisions that benefit your organization. 
  3. Security: The financial information requires extreme protections and it is exclusively private. 

Above all, the seamlessness and productivity of the cloud compared to traditional software which impossible to deny.

How Plug and Play Cloud ERP Transformed Procurement system?

Companies utilise the procurement platform to both sell and buy the goods around the world are changing from Large Complex ERP solutions to in favor of User-ready platforms such as Plug and Play ERP solutions and far efficient that the Complex ERP solutions.

As business advance continue to evolve, The Plug and Play Cloud ERP solutions play an essential role in advanced automation, cost-effective solutions, a business will spend less on complex systems, access to more options to improve communication in the supply chain.

Let?s take a closer look at key benefits of Plug and Play Cloud ERP Solutions  

  1. The latest trend of new developments is app-driven with simple interfaces
  2. Business owners need not worry about the budget and it requires little to no maintenance 
  3. The end to end implementation will be done in days not months 
  4. Seamlessly integrated between different systems 
  5. The Plug and Play built-in features are a worry-free nowadays to manage the Spend Analysis. RFQ. Reverse Auction, PO, Invoice Automation. Contract Management with a single unified system 

Hence, Different types of procurement systems to communicate more efficiently using Plug and Play cloud connectivity and increase, sharing, data visibility and compliance.

What are the future insights of cloud computing and their advancements?

According to finding and insights from  Logic Monitors Survey, 83% of enterprise workloads in the cloud by the end of 2020. 

The survey also highlights the breakdown by end of 2020,  

  1. 41% of enterprises run on public cloud platforms (Google Cloud, Amazon AWS, IBM clod, Microsft Azure and others)
  2. 20% are forecast to be in the private cloud
  3. 22% running on hybrid cloud platforms 
  4. On-premised forecast to shrink 10% by end of 2020 

With the increase in demand for superior cloud solutions, the need to shift from the traditional to modern business approach is the pivot of the digital business world. Digital transformation is a pioneering way to meet the needs of current customers and to bring in a digital revolution in the company. More technologies are being developed to advance and make cloud solutions cheaper.

The journey is necessary, there?s no disagreeing that technology has brought ground-breaking changes in this era but who would have thought about moving to the clouds.

"Streamlining advance Innovation through the Cloud"

Be it an e-commerce industry or the health sector; The cloud computing innovation is providing better ways to deliver better services to the customers, The cutting-edge technology and advanced solutions in the public cloud market is rapidly growing and shifting the way of quicker interconnect and low-cost software.

We have also written a blog on Procurement to Pay Software for Today's Business Leaders, which you will find it useful.

Mar 27, 2020 | 7 min read | views 916 Read More


Join the Work From Home Movement and Save The Country

Free Work From Home Software: An Initiative to give back to Society

Coronavirus Epidemic: The Current Situation

Novel Coronavirus or COVID-19 outbreak is a human catastrophe and has continued to disrupt financial markets and global supply chains, the overall impact on global businesses and economic growth. Its blowout has left many businesses around the world with counting costs. 

Looking at the trends in many countries over the last 2 months, India is on the verge of touching Stage 3 of this Epidemic. In this time of urgency, it is the joint responsibility of all 130 Crore plus citizens of India to fight this together and come out of it as a winner. This Epidemic is at such scale that individually, we cannot do any justice in this fight but if we are together, we can fight this easily. 

As requested by Honorable Prime Minister of India, Shri Narendra D Modi Ji on March 19, 2020, in an address to the Nation, we all need to give few weeks of our time to fight this Coronavirus situation.

Few suggestions on how we can jointly fight against this Coronavirus Epidemic:

1)Choose to Stay Home and Work From Home for the next few weeks 

2)If you are a business owner, please allow your team to work from home

3)If you are a manager, please talk to your leaders and enforce work from home 

4)Talk to at least 10 or more people every day and motivate them to Work From Home 

5)Ensure your family members including kids and elderlyStay at Home

6)Maintain social distancing at least 1 meter (3 feet) between yourself and anyone in case you have to step out for urgencies 

If we all jointly take a Pledge to “Work from Home”, we can break the chain of Coronavirus Epidemic.

You can get real-time updates on Corona Situation in India by clicking https://www.mohfw.gov.in/

Free Tools available for Work from Home

To ensure the business can run with minimal disruption and Maximize Your Productivity and Your team’s Productivity you can use some of the free tools and software available in the market. 

Below is the list of free tools available which can help work from home:

1) Zoom Meetings: Provide unlimited free one to one video calls and team collaboration. Also, provide 40 minutes team collaboration for up to 100 team members for free. You can disconnect after 40 minutes and connect again to take the continued benefit

2) TYASuite is offering its Project Management Tool (PMT) to all Indian Companies Free of cost for the next 3 months. This offer can be extended further is required. The free tool will include all Enterprise version features including but not limited to below features. 

a. Task Creation and allocation

b. Document sharing among team members

c. Android Mobile app to create, manage and assign task

d. Define Timelines and costs etc.

e. Timesheet sheet Management of teams working from home at Task level 

f. Expense management and reimbursement of the team 

The access is extended for Unlimited Projects, Unlimited Tasks, Unlimited employees - All free of cost. This also includes not only the software cost but also up to 10 Hours of Set-up and training assistance to ensure you can get the maximum benefit out of it. 

3) TYASuite is offering its Invoice Approval platform to all Indian Companies Free of cost for the next 3 months. This offer can be extended further is required. The free tool will include all Enterprise version features including but not limited to below features. 

a. Upload Invoice through Mobile application/Cloud-based Web Application

b. Approve Invoices through Mobile/Email/Web application

c. Multi-Layer approvals

d. Make payments of only approved Invoices

e. Unlimited attachments upload 

The free offer is extended for Unlimited Invoices, Unlimited employees- All free of cost 

4) TYASuite is offering its E-Procurement Platform to all Indian Companies Free of cost for the next 3 months. This offer can be extended further is required. The free tool will include all Enterprise version features including but not limited to below features. 

a. The planning team can raise product requirements from their home

b. All product requirements can be consolidated with a click from Managers Home

c. Procurement Team can raise PO to vendors

d. Managers can approve POs through email/web applications

e. Vendors can receive the Approved POs on emails

f. A team can receive the goods and record GRN in the system (this may require the physical presence of employees at receiving locations)

g. Vendor invoices can be uploaded into System from remote locations

h. All approvers can approve the invoices from their home i. Finance can upload bank payment files for payments

TYASuite Platform can support the business to easily manage employees “Work from Home”. 

The free offer is extended for Unlimited Users- All free of cost

5) Google Hangouts: Google has announced the free version of the Enterprise version of their tool

6) Cisco is offering the free version of its WebEx service with no time restrictions.

There are much more software which can be used Free of Cost to enable “Work from Home”

Join the “Work From Home Movement” and Share with your colleagues and friends and ask them to join the movement and break the Corona Epidemic Chain. Save Yourself, Save the Country, Save the world.

Mar 20, 2020 | 5 min read | views 755 Read More