
Uncovering Procurement Excellence

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Most Known Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) About Cloud ERP

Automation has become a key buzz world these days. Cloud is new normal in digital world.

A lot of businesses are getting more involved in automating their process through business process standardization and implementing cloud ERP.

Here, we have described a list of frequently asked questions / FAQs in implementing ERP software.

1. What is ERP Software?

ERP or Enterprise Resources Planning software originated from the term Material Resource Planning (MRP) and later on became Manufacturing Resource Planning (MRP II) during the 80s. In the starting, the intrigue generally is from the manufacturing and distribution parts. During the 90s, different sellers have stretched out MRP to bookkeeping, Human Resources (HR), and different capacities that advanced to the term ERP which is an enterprise-based solution in automating a business.

The sample list of modules provided in ERP is procurement software, warehousing, inventory management ERP, general ledger, accounts payable, accounts receivable, cash management, manufacturing ERP, job order, production planning, payroll, HRIS, and financial statements.

Some ERP clients get confused on these modules that on occasion they search for front-end software inside the ERP bundle. This front-end software like Hotel Management, CRM, and POS are autonomous modules but a few sellers package it as a solution to a vertical industry.

2. How Can I Improve My Business Using ERP?

A focused cloud ERP software has numerous points of interest for its clients. From reducing expenses to a surge in the efficiency in a powerful way, everything can be taken care of appropriately through an ERP system. Thus, by smoothing out the cycle it can help organizations to get a competitive edge over to their competitions.

3. What Are the Modules of ERP?

An ERP software has a lot of modules through which it helps companies in providing a real-time update and monitor of all the processes of their business. The numerous modules are an asset management software, inventory management software, procurement to pay management software, compliance management software, vendor management software, sales order management software, CRM software, finance & accounting management software.

4. What Does Our Business Need to Prepare When We Implement ERP?

The absolute initial phase in getting ready in implementing an ERP system is a preparation of solid business procedure document. The authoritative chart ought to be all around characterized, the different tasks of each feature, and the cycle documentation/responsibility.

When the above is set up, the subsequent stage is to Identify a SPOC who will deal with the ERP Implementation project in your company. The SPOC can emerge internally or through a third-party service provider. Their job will be the interface between the management, end-users, and the ERP Software Provider.

They will likewise be responsible for closing down important charts of records, vendor listing, client posting, SKUs, reports or yield expected by the partners, the accountability form design, and the arrangement all in all dependent on the association's cycle. This team will likewise deal with the UAT and test-to-creation milestone.

5. What Is the Required Timeframe Implementing an ERP?

The time of implementation fluctuates relying upon the modules being actualized. Further, the timelines depend on the ERP Software, ERP Vendor, ERP Implementation partner and your own readiness. It can take anywhere from months to quarters. If you have selected a Plug and Play ERP like TYASuite, their team can implement as early as one Week if your process and masters are ready.

Some implementations take a year or all the more particularly if the association has developing necessities, fragmented or erroneous data provided, or potentially management changes.

But this can be abbreviated by having a solid connection between the internal controlling council and the service provider. Both ought to have a powerful foundation and involvement with implementing ERP.

6. What Is the Difference Between On-Premise ERP and Cloud-based ERP?

On-premise is the conventional licensing model where the client gains the license per user or organization installed in the client's office website or premises. After a specific period relying upon the course of action with the service provider, the customer goes through a support system that guarantees upgrades and backing for questions or issues that will emerge when the client is utilizing it live. Both customer servers and online platforms offer the on-premise model.

Cloud-based ERP is a subscription-based software where the user pays for the service yearly, monthly, or quarterly per user. The recurring payment must include the maintenance or support agreement. Only Cloud ERP products can provide SAAS based model.

Both models have their pros and cons. This will all rely on the adaptability and flexibility that the user needs from the software. However, the world is going towards cloud ERP.

7. Can I Migrate Our Old or Historical Data?

Data migration and transfer of historical data are normally settled upon with the service provider amid the pre-selling stage. At TYASuite, we can focus on migrating the master data list for example users, inventory items, chart of accounts, and starting balances not the transactions. But actually, it's feasible.

8. Are There Any Hidden Costs?

Hidden costs all rely upon how the tool that the ERP Vendor showcase their product and service. But regularly, highlight requests that are not analyzed during the requirements gathering stage will be dependent upon customization expenses. Consequently, it is significant the user and the ERP Vendor have a thorough list of the prerequisite during the signing of the contract.

9. Can We Simply Integrate With Our Front-End or Any Third-Party Software?

Solutions accessible in the market typically have their APIs accessible in incorporating with other software or database. The integration success all relies upon the responsibility kind of ERP Software and the ERP Vendor and the participation of the third-party tool in giving important data or documentation throughout the integration development.

10. How Do We Choose An ERP Framework That Best Suits Us?

Since the association's function requirements are less or more in the wake of setting up the business cycle and documentation, the organization must already be prepared in setting up the prerequisites in detail. Some call this as Business Requirement Document (BRD). These are given to the ERP Vendor where they provide input if the Process is accessible in their ERP Software and if not accessible, then is their ERP software is a customizable ERP.

When all the offers are gathered, the organization currently ought to have an end to end correlation dependent on the administration's criteria, for example, supplier's maturity, client base, and dependability.

At TYASuite, we provide end to end ERP solution that can help any business to maximize its profit and productivity. If you are a startup, small- or large-scale business expecting a boost in your business, TYASuite can be the one-stop solution for you.

TYASuite Cloud ERP is a World 1st Plug and Play ERP Solutions. It has a lot of pre-customized features that can be modified to suit your requirement in the click of a button.

Sep 04, 2020| 6 min read| views 770 Read More



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TYASuite Cloud ERP Software: Features, Benefits & Workflows

Cloud ERP software has been progressively picking up traction among organizations, inferable from its concentrated way to deal with business processes. With the help of a Good Cloud ERP, you can gather, store, manage, and decipher information from numerous business units on a real-time basis. Moreover, ERP solutions are utilized to automate back-office activities and smooth out cross-departmental work processes. Here in this post, we will be discussing the essential benefits, features, and workflows of Cloud ERP software.

List of Contents

- Why Use Cloud ERP Software?

- Business Software in ERP

  1. Sales Software (CRM)
  2. Marketing Software
  3. ERP Distribution Software
  4. Business intelligence Software

- Finance related Software in ERP

  1. Procurement Software
  2. Costing in ERP
  3. ERP payroll Software
  4. Finance and accounts Software

- Human Resource Software

  1. Recruitment Software
  2. Workforce Management Software
  3. Payroll processing Software
  4. Performance Management Software

- Supply –Chain Management Software

  1. Ordering Software
  2. Logistics Software
  3. Warehousing Software

- Manufacturing ERP Software

  1. Inventory management Software
  2. Quality control Software
  3. Materials sourcing Software

- In conclusion

Why Use ERP Software?

The reason behind the utilization of ERP software is to expand the effectiveness, streamline processes, and advance a culture of collaboration in an association. This results in limited costs and expanded efficiency, which eventually leads to a superior bottom line.

Benefits of ERP software

  1. It Increases Efficiency
  2. It Promotes Collaboration
  3. It Increases Data Security
  4. It Helps You Comply with Industry Regulations
  5. It Allows You to Make Accurate Forecasts
  6. It Increases Operational Flexibility
  7. It Reduces Operational Costs

Unification and automation are the primary concepts behind ERP evolution. Without a doubt, every single one of the ERP software can work independently. In any case, the cooperative energy of the considerable number of parts is something that makes the general framework’s worth grow exponentially.

ERP Software has introduced remarkable features for managing different business forms in one system. Enhanced collaboration, efficiency, customization, and adaptability are the advantages that organizations all around the globe go with. Characterizing the work process of each element will help to settle on the correct decision on the required Customized Cloud ERP suite for your business.

Let’s focus on the most well-known sorts and depict their features, functionality, and work processes


Searching for one exceptional ERP for SME to deal with your sales and enhance the marketing system? Business Suite in ERP will be the ideal way to streamlining sales, up-to-date marketing, and real-time data on each procedure.

A) Sales Software (CRM)

The automated procedure encourages the sales team workload. It saves structured data like contact info, names, order history, clients’ inclinations, and so forth. The colleagues use it to manufacture correspondence channels and create sales. TYASuite CRM will give you exceptional support to maximize your business profit.

B) Marketing Software

The marketing system is the ideal approach to play out all the referenced tasks. Besides, the information on sales is coordinated with it to concoct potential methods of expanding sales and attracting new clients. TYASuite CRM can easily fit into your business process and help you to expand your business.

C) ERP distribution Software

ERP distribution software suite is solidly associated with the sales one. The information is being processed by combined performance to deal with the inquiry, check the accessibility, transfer requirements from one department then onto the next, make the vital documentation, plan the delivery, and so forth. TYA Sales Order Management Software will be right fit for you.

D) Business intelligence Software

ERP framework is a shrewd tool that produces a huge measure of well-structured information. Gathering the reports from other secluded frameworks BI component is fit for estimating. It touches the business fields like revenues, cash flows, sales forecasts, and so forth.


All organizations deal with their financial transactions, incomes, payments, incomes, cash flows, and profits. The functionalities of ERP financial software cover billing management, expenditure, balance sheets, depreciation, financial analytics, and so forth.

A) Procurement Software

ERP purchasing Software feature tasks that are fundamental for sensible costs and relate to actual demand. It covers the estimate of orders, supplies, required documentation, goods receiving, billing processes, and data integration with General Ledger. TYASuite Procurement Software is best Procurement Software in India. It has all the functionality a business may think of for their process automation.

B) Costing Feature in ERP

Internal cost control is an inescapable business procedure since you have to monitor material and activities. It requires excellent management of documents on each transaction and its costs.

C) ERP payroll Software

Accepting the information from Job costing, the payroll suite can provide reports on reimbursements, salaries, travel costs, benefits, and so on. The most recent ought to be sent to General Ledger for the following work process.


The software focuses on regulating, automating, and incorporating the information on every employee. It covers the period from application to retirement remembering subtleties for positions, recruitment, advancements, assigned tasks, and so forth. 

A) Recruitment Software

The software feature focuses on the productivity and simplicity of enlisting processes. HRs acquire the likelihood to post promotions, enable required documentation, track the pool of talent including social platforms, automate the evaluation procedure, dissect applicants' profiles, plan interviews, set up the onboarding procedure, and so on.

B) Workforce management Software

It is an extraordinary method to smooth out the human resources management in your organization. Those significant ERP Software store such as employees' information, attendance, working hours, holiday, sick leave, and so forth. But, it isn't just about the capacity but the general document management identified with staff performance.


Great supply chain management can have different kind of effect in an association. It expands the proficiency and collaboration rates, brings down delays in procedures, and finds new cost-saving systems.

A) Ordering Software

If the organization is keen on satisfying requests absent a lot of delay and returns, it will cause extraordinary attention to appropriate management of the order. It requires exact and direct control of every ordering step.

B) Logistics Software

This includes procedure smoothing out for storage, supply, delivery, goods redistribution, and so on. The segment arranges the logical grouping of customers to build up the most advantageous supply line and producing the waybills.

C) Warehousing Software

The everyday activities of warehouses incorporate order planning, inventory preparation, and usage. This part monitors real-time data about the status of the order including order details, stock items, registration, delay alerts, and so forth.


The Software directs the control and manages the improvement of the manufacturing performance. It covers all the phases from material procurement to production. 

Let’s explore the functionalities –

A) Inventory management Software

Since ERP is usually enforced in the manufacturing business that manages heaps of product and crude materials, they will deal with their storage and overseeing details. The inventory component advances the creation and distribution planning forms.

B) Quality control Software

Any management assumes responsibility for the quality and its steady upgrades. Following manufacturing exercises guarantees the greatest efficiency, sensible costs, and helps to assess the timelines appropriately.

C) Materials sourcing Software

This territory may appear to be a difficult task, but it very well may be simplified by the ERP material sourcing Software. The present market is constrained by the expanded guidelines while the organizations will undoubtedly discover effective approaches to diminish cost and time.


There are numerous approaches to automate the process of business. But the question may come how to integrate them appropriately. The secluded framework has gotten one of the sensible solutions to streamline various tasks and provide a robust processor for huge data.

Our ERP software lets you experiment with the innovations in the market to solve your business problems with more precision and at a rapid rate. 

Have a glance at TYASuite affordable ERP Software and a robust plug and Play software which lets you customize the software according to your business needs for a seamless experience. We also provide other software like procurement to pay software, Vendor Management Software, Accounting Software, Inventory Management Software, and much more. If you are the one who is looking for a robust solution to your business, avail our affordable cloud ERP software suite today.

Aug 20, 2020 | 8 min read | views 749 Read More


GST E-Invoicing | Know the Major Industry Challenges and Solution

Ever since the idea of e-invoicing was authorized by the GST council, the rumor around e-invoicing has gained dignity among businesses all over the world.

Invoice is a key document and e-invoice is basically a reform associated with it. It is very essential for businesses to comprehend it fully and therefore prepare for it.

In this blog post, let’s understand everything about GST e-invoice in detail.

What is GST e-invoicing?

E-Invoice also called ‘Electronic invoice’ that is a method in which all B2B invoices are electronically uploaded and validated by the established portal.

Post successful validation, a unique Invoice Reference Number (IRN) is induced for every invoice by IRP. With IRN, every invoice is digitally approved, signed, and added along with QR code. This procedure is collectively known as e-invoicing in GST.

What are the advantages of e-Invoice Digitalization?

  1. Standard reporting and no Duplication
  2. Auto-Generation of GST Return
  3. E-way Bill
  4. No Reconciliation
  5. Real-Time
  6. Curb tax evasion (For Department)
  7. Verifying genuineness of Refund (For Department)
  8. Reduce the carbon footprint

What are the problem statements of GST E-Invoicing?

As the timeline to execute e-invoicing is coming closer, organizations working under different industries face assorted difficulties in embracing the system.

Traction of IRN generation e-way bills needs devoted resources. Isolation of invoices as B2B and taxable from B2C and excluded supplies individually need automation in place.

Reconciliation of invoice data between Invoice Reference Number, e-way bill and GSTR-1 will be one of the main difficulties. [VM1]

Let’s have a look into more business-specific issues:

Pharma, FMCG & Retail

  1. Change of quantity subsequent to creating an e-invoice
  2. Single e-invoice in terms of e-way bill creation for multi-modal transport
  3. Real-time creation of IRN for B2B supplies on e-commerce platforms


  1. Real-time e-invoice generation on behalf of suppliers for B2B supplies
  2. Handling numerous cancellations, either within or after 24 hours and its modification in GST returns
  3. Modifying the kind of invoice as B2C rather than B2B


  1. Effect of various e-invoice cancellations on the GST Portal
  2. Creation of IRN on invoices raised for cancellation charges

Hospitality Industry Hospitality

  1. Real-time IRN generation for any B2B checkouts
  2. Handling the generation of IRN for various cancellations

TYASuite Offers Promising GST Network Services for the Challenges Specified Above:

  1. Scheduled invoices uploading for the generation of IRN, individually or in bulk. Also, it involves e-invoice for multi-modal transportation
  2. ERP integration for E-Invoice and real-time IRN generation
  3. Numerous validations for precise e-invoices
  4. Reminders for an instant e-way bill generation
  5. All ERPS like SAP, Oracle etc can be easily integrated with TYASuite E-Invoice Module

Various reconciliation and reports for example:

  1. E-way bill vs GSTR-1
  2. IRN vs Invoice
  3. IRN vs E-way bill
  4. IRN vs GSTR-1
  5. IRN vs GSTR-2A (inbound invoices)

This novel e-invoicing system will transform the way of accounting among industries and also enhances their accountability for fellow taxpayers.

TYASuite e-Invoicing software helps suppliers to transmit electronic invoices, automates receiving and invoice-matching processes for both Purchase Order and non-Purchase Order based invoices. If you are looking for the best E-Invoicing Software, you can contact us right now. We are available 24/7 to help you.

We provide the best-in-class Invoice Digitalization Services to produce e-invoices and guarantee compliance with the recent mandates and guidelines released by the GSTN. TYASuite’s integrated cloud ERP service will help you to simplify the e-invoicing system for your organization in a better way.

Aug 19, 2020 | 3 min read | views 949 Read More


7 Best Procurement Software in 2020 Can Skyrocket Your Business

When talking about the Procurement software, it can be categorized as one of three sections.

There are ERP (enterprise resource planning) systems, which are perplexing systems intended to help organizations manage everything in the supply chain. Next, there is accounting software that individuals use to monitor POs, giving up a robust procurement suite for all-in-one convenience. Third, there is purchase order software.

Procurement software varies about functionality, pricing, and technology. The right solution helps businesses to manage budgets, diminish costs, and increase transparency in the spending process and approvals.

The main goal of procurement solutions is to handle and ease all communication between the stakeholders, such as buyer, originator, category manager, vendor, approver, supplier, and receiver, at each transactional stage.

Basic Features of Procurement Software

Procurement software can transform a well-researched sourcing procedure into effective purchase orders (POs) through easy to understand processes. This enables control non-payroll expenses and therefore aid positive asset management in the long run. After opposite sales, which can happen through open offers or multi-round private offers, the demanding stage starts. Also, the supplies are purchased through the system's electronic buying capacities. Once the order has been finished, the software identifies receipts for the approval of invoices and reconciliations.

Benefits of Procurement Software

Let's understand the main benefits of using procurement software:

  1. You can easily collaborate and share internally
  2. Collaborate and share with vendors on a single platform
  3. You can standardize the process of procurement within your association
  4. Monitor events and receive alerts - this function is helpful for risk management
  5. Investigate the business intelligence information to gain insight into the procurement process so that you can estimate and plan accordingly.
  6. Minimize operational and logistics costs.

Top Procurement Software in 2020


SAP SRM offers you with inventive techniques to manage your business processes alongside your key suppliers. It comes with effective features like centralized contract management, operational reporting, catalog management, and more. The SAP SRM solution handles the entire procurement cycle with ease.

2. TYASuite Supplier Management Software

TYASuite Procurement to Pay (P2P) is the best alternative to SAP and No. 1 cloud-based software suite that handles everything when it comes to your procurement process, from PR to Quotation, bidding, purchasing and supplier payments. The platform allows Businesses (B2B or B2C) streamline to provide more control, visibility ensures accuracy and consistency from start to end.

3. Tradogram

This user-friendly procurement solution with detailed features to oversees processes like purchasing, sourcing, spend control, and vendors. It guarantees you get products and services at reasonable prices without compromising quality. The platform additionally incorporates modules for inventory tracking and reporting.

4. NetSuite

NetSuite is another leading cloud ERP solution. Created to scale with your organization as it evolves and transforms, NetSuite enables you to automate operations, effectively streamline mission-critical processes, reduces IT costs and complexity, and enhance real-time control and visibility with built-in business intelligence across your business in one single platform.

5. Procurify

Procurify is a cloud-based procurement software that allows creative and dedicated team to manage their whole procurement cycle right from order to pay without any issue. This solution is also known for its easy to use features. No training is required to understand how to use this platform.

6. SAP Ariba

SAP Ariba is a cloud-based procurement software suite that helps businesses to interact with their trading partners whenever and wherever. It involves a superb contract management module, which is easy to handle procurements, internal agreements, sales, and IPs. It simplifies the whole lifecycle from inception to renewal.

7. Kissflow

Kissflow provides you the #1 Procurement cloud service that is flexible and has purchasing to vendor management, all in one single platform. It has everything including Purchase Requisition, Purchase Orders, Vendor Management, Analytics, Purchase Invoicing, and Integrations.

Get to Know Every Product with A Free Demo

The right way to choose the best one is by analyzing the features, functionalities, and benefits of these procurement platforms. You can simply do this by registering for free demo offered by these top procurement software providers. This will not only help you to understand everything but also you will know if it is a great fit for your needs.

TYASuite is a leading partner solving various burning issues of the ERP Industry that are primarily dominated by Oracle, SAP, and Microsoft Dynamics. As Plug and Play Cloud ERP, TYASuite can minimize the time of ERP Implementation from months to days.

Request for free demo now to find out if TYASuite Procurement to Pay Software is the right solution for you.

Aug 18, 2020 | 4 min read | views 6906 Read More


Industry 4.0 | Choose the best Vendor Management Software

Industry 4.0, in other terms, the 4th industrial transformation has brought a lot of innovative changes in the business. Some projects dip into outside resources to accomplish their goals. It’s becoming extremely rare for one business to have all the goods and services required to finish the work they have set out for themselves. Everyone is focusing on their core competencies and outsourcing the rest.

That’s why effective vendor management becomes critical in the success of your business.

What is a Vendor Management & Quotation Management System?

In simple words, vendor management system & Quotation Management System are nothing but a set of best practices being practiced in the industry to manage your vendors from the requirement generation to selecting the right vendor till making the vendor to them.

Once these best practices are embedded into software, which is easy to handle, quick to start and are auto-scalable, are called Vendor Management Software or Supplier Management Software.

The companies can extend access to the software to their vendors to perform various routine parts, which are normally done by their internal manpower. This function of the vendor Management software is called Vendor Portal or Vendor Platform. The vendors can log in to the Vendor portal and perform their assigned tasks.

Below are the key benefits of Vendor Management Software & Quotation Management software:

1. Seamless Vendor Evaluation and Onboarding

Through vendor Portal, vendors can submit the RFI and can update the details and vendor onboarding documents. The company can review and onboard vendors in a single click saving hundreds of hours from both side.

2. Better Vendor Relationship

Through vendor Portal, vendors can submit the invoices on time, and it can directly come to the management for approval. There is no chance of invoices getting lost in transit. A happy vendor can provide better pricing and faster delivery.

3. Catalogue Management

Vendors can easily manage their products, pricing, discounts, offers, etc on the vendor portal. Companies can instantly search for the products and place the order.

4. Quotation Management

Companies can request quotations from multiple vendors in a single click. Quotations can be auto compared and presented to the management for faster decision making. Management can be rest assured that, the procurement team is following the company policy on quotations.

5. Lowest procurement cost

Through the reverse Auction Process in vendor management software, companies can obtain the best possible rates from the vendor. Vendors can check their bid ranking on a real-time basis and revise the cost in the lowest possible rates. Reverse Auction software comes inbuilt with most of the Vendor Management Tool.

6. Delivery Intimations

The vendor can intimate the start of the delivery /expected delivery date. Your respective department of the company can get auto intimation of the delivery schedule and they can do better planning.

7. Effortless Invoice Processing

Vendors can add their invoice on the vendor portal directly, saving thousands of hours and hassle at the company level and vendor level. The invoice can be approved by the approver and can be move in the chain of command automatically.

8. Automated Payments

Companies can automate their payments on the system and payment can directly get processed once approved on the portal. Thus avoiding the manual hassle of preparing bank files and eliminating fraud risk.

How To Choose the Right Vendor Management Software?

There are many Vendor or Supplier Management software to choose from. However, most of them are not right. So before you can pick a vendor management tool, read these points.

Every business has its own needs, and nobody knows your business as you do. Yet, there are a few expectations that are genuine for every business:

1. Define your Requirement

The first thing you must do is define your requirement list. As discussed, there are many vendor management software in the market. But most of them are not a complete end to end vendor management software. Defining your requirement can narrow down the list.

2. Ease of Use

Having an incredible tool nobody utilizes is practically more terrible than having no tool at all. While choosing a solution to deal with your contractors, ensure it's one manager and the team leader will work with. You would prefer not to wind up putting an excessive amount of time and money in getting your managers to utilize a framework that is expected to save money and time.

3. Ease of Deployment

Buying extra equipment, preparing your unforeseen workers on the most proficient method to utilize the framework and other steps engaged with the deployment of any business software, can wind up putting a strain on your work processes and spending plan. Ensure the tool you pick is financially savvy when you think about all the factors. Among them is the deployment speed, particularly if you have a quickly developing business that needs a vendor management software.

4. Compatibility & Integration

Your Vendor Management Software doesn't work in a vacuum. In necessities to incorporate with different frameworks in your business. Think about what systems your vendor management tool need to connect with, and plan this procedure a long time before picking the correct solution for your association.

5. Compliance & Regulations

A few businesses require explicit procedures to comply with native legislation and guidelines. Banks, medical fields, and construction projects are only a few that demand vendor management software to help for explicit capacities, work processes, and training practices. Ensure your vendor management software can answer these demands.

TYASuite Vendor Management Software is a cloud-based ERP software suite that includes a real-time dashboard for the most precise information to ensure that you're always on top of your vendor's work as they're doing it. You should try it for yourself and perceive how it can help with your vendor management by taking a free demo.

TYASuite Cloud ERP is a World 1st Plug and Play ERP Solutions. It has a lot of pre-customized features that can be modified to suit your requirement in the click of a button.

Aug 15, 2020 | 6 min read | views 730 Read More


Top ways to have a successful Supplier Management System

Suppliers are an important pillar of any organization. The success of any business depends on how efficiently and effectively your procurement function is working. Today purchasers are interacting with vendors all over the world to meet the rising demand from new markets. In this post, we will discuss supplier management, its advantages, and the best practices for the same.

Supplier Management:

In simple words, supplier management is keeping up healthy and effective relationships with vendors. This incorporates every transaction, discussion with a vendor, from contract dealings to report sharing, having meetings to talk about the current sales and analytics. It is dealing with every interaction with your suppliers.

An enormous part of vendor management is likewise to keep up a fundamental give and take of data that would profit to both you and your vendor similarly. It must be a cooperative relationship. Good supplier management software can automate supplier management function. Let us understand why you need supplier management to prevail in your business.

Reasons for Supplier Management:

1. To Build Long-Term Relationships

Vendors are an essential part of your business. They offer the products that you guarantee to your clients. This makes your relationship with them more significant. At the point when you chip away at this relationship by providing them regular updates about how their products are performing, it helps them show signs of improvement at taking care of client necessities. This is beneficial for both, you and the vendor. A good supplier management software having supplier portal login can enhance the relationship significantly.

2. Productivity in Process

Considering the effect your vendors have on your business, it is significant that you stay in touch with them. Contingent upon the size of your business, you need to handle at least one or more vendors. Exchanging emails can be exhausting. To make this more helpful, you can access a supplier management portal having vendor portal function. This will make the exchange of applicable information, consistent and effortless. It makes the successive tasks of arranging costs, keeping up quality checks, and getting updates of deliveries, simpler and quicker.

3. Secures Brand's Goodwill

Supplier management, when done in a good way can transform those vendors into partners. If your vendors are happy with how you manage them, they can become promoters of your brand. Consequently, they can likewise bring various other vendors to work with you. It will expand your business network and successfully grow your business. Vendor portal software can ensure the happiness of your vendors while savings data processing cost to you.

4. Minimizing Risk

In the competitive, fast-paced universe of business, it is essential that you and your vendors understand each other's qualities and shortcomings to work as needs be. This requires good communication. If you treat your vendor with as much regard as you do your clients, at that point you ought not to have any issues. The simplest method to do this viably is to utilize a supplier management portal so that there is no extent of miscommunication that ascents from long email threads and missed calls.

Now,let's have look at the best practices for Supplier Management:

Best Practices:

1. Selection of Suppliers

The selection of the correct partner is something everybody knows. It can change how your business works. The correct partner can give you financial adaptability, dedication and you can confide in them to maintain the quality of the product. Through the RFI function of supplier management software, the procurement team can request required data from the vendors and seamlessly select and onboard the vendor.

2. Two Way Connection

A decent practice to keep up is to convey the littlest of subtleties to one another. But communication doesn't need to be on a need to know the premise. It can likewise include brainstorming thoughts, which assembles a decent long-term relationship. A good vendor management portal with the vendor login portal streamlines the two-way communication between you and your vendors.

3. Vendor Management Portal

Communication is precarious, no matter what. But, with regards to meetings or emails, they are not generally the most effortless to do. This is the place a vendor management portal can prove to be useful. It takes the issue of handling complex and the least difficult of the tasks. It associates the correct products with the correct vendors, which removes the mystery from reaching the correct vendor for the correct item.

The entirety of your vendors, regardless of where they are, can associate with you through your vendor management portal. With such a portal, it is simpler to acquire new products as well. You can request quotations from any vendors, contrast costs that everyone has with an offer, and afterwards, place an order. You can sure that you picked the correct choice from all that is accessible to you.

Wrapping it up...

A supplier portal can resolve all of these administrative and managerial responsibilities. All you have to do is discover the right supplier portal company to give your business heights.

At TYASuite we are 100% dedicated to positioning procurement at the core of business performance. For more than a decade we have been the most trusted leader in the world. With our adherence to helping procurement build even greater business outcomes, we have evolved our portfolio to a complete suite of Procurement performance - eSourcing, Spend Analysis, Supplier Management, Contract Management, and Financial Savings Management. TYASuite plug and play cloud based Vendor Management Software is integrated with Vendor Login Portal to manage your supply chain and give you the best of the experience.

Aug 11, 2020 | 5 min read | views 803 Read More


7 must-known benefits of good Supplier Management Software

Dealing with supplier database can be an endless procedure since it incorporates a great deal of data entries, many follow-ups, and inaccuracies. Also, you would consistently need to manage it in a superior manner because its data is significant too. For most companies, handling end to end supplier takes more than 50% of their efforts at the overall company level. But what about having automated supplier management software with all information of the suppliers and simple access to data at whatever point required?

Investing in the right supplier portal solution will give you benefits and will automate your endeavours like keeping up the supplier database manually, asking quotations on email, getting the delivery updates on call, receiving the vendor invoice through courier/ email and then entering them manually in the accounting software.

Hence, today many organizations are switching to cloud vendor management software which is integrated with vendor portal login. An integrated vendor management platform gives greater value to the supply chain functions and reduces the overall cost by automating AP Function.

Let's look at the benefits of Vendor Management Software/Supplier Portal Solution.

Benefits of Supplier Portal Solution

1. Supply Chain Automation:

The entire supply chain function starting from vendor onboarding to asking for RFI/RFQ/Quotation to the selection of vendors based on L1/other criteria and releasing the purchase orders to vendors becomes a cakewalk.

Once the purchase order is released, the companies can track the deliveries; vendors can upload the invoices on the supplier portal, which automatically comes on company dashboard for approval, saving a significant amount of data entry time at the company level.

With the help of a supplier portal solution, the entire supply chain gets automated.

2. E-Bidding / Reverse Auction Software:

Many supplier management software comes with e-bidding software or reverse auction software where a supplier can participate in bidding on a real-time basis. Companies can have the lowest possible cost of procurement through reverse auction software. Businesses have saved more than 10% on the overall procurement cost through the reverse auction process.

3. Segregation of Duties:

With a configurable merchant/vendor portal, segregation of obligations turns out to be simple. With an integrated framework into your catalog can provide separate layers of security checks. You can provide role-based access controls also.

4. Cooperative Work:

Well, with the commencement of supplier portal, purchasers and suppliers can share basic views on data that are in sync. This encourages both buyers and suppliers to work with one another and improves the performance of the supply chain.

5. Change in Supply Management:

Supply chain management is a kind of field where change is required and it happens quickly. For instance, purchasers opening up new distribution communities, producing plans, retail stores, and so on. What's more, the correspondence for all these changes was occurring through calls, messages, and so forth.

But, in such a situation, when organizations are presenting new procedures like re-building, improvement in forecasting, buying, naming, transporting, and invoicing methodology, portals give online resources to purchasers to discuss changes with one another without glitches.

6. Track your Suppliers:

With supplier portal solutions, you can track suppliers and their delivery dates. This helps in reducing your inventory holding period and reduces the overall working capital requirements.

It also offers a deep and clear insight into your business progress and features overall growth. The custom reports are based on the data available from the supplier portal and you can keep a track of targets. Additionally, you can even easily identify the potential risks for your business like not being more dependent on a single supplier.

7. Reduce Workload:

With the majority of the work getting automated in the supply chain, it, in turn, diminishes the workload of the authoritative staff. Also, you can automate the signup process of suppliers and pre-qualifying potential suppliers.

Through supplier portals, you can send and receive notifications automatically. You can likewise check things like cross-checking data, expiry of certificates, and sending notifications manually.

The best part is, you can simply automate the way of sending the notifications to your suppliers as opposed to adding them manually from the backend consistently.

Final Words:

The supplier portal solution is an additional component to your whole management of the supply chain since it brings simplicity to the activities in your organization. Also, it helps your staff to deal with your clients to create a decent reputation for your organization.

So, are you looking for a robust supplier portal solution for your business?

Why don't you have a look at the TYASuite Vendor Management Tool? We are a devoted and award-winning service provider and we can help you meet your business needs with our cloud ERP integrated solution.

So, let's discuss your requirements with us, we have a robust solution for you.

Aug 10, 2020 | 5 min read | views 1684 Read More